Hey Governor Pawlenty,
Remember when I told you how freakin much school supplies cost? Well, today I had to shell out $90 for a graphing calculator so Twin #1 can work her Advanced Algebra and Intro to Engineering classes. Word has it that Twin #2 will need one too. And take note of the $185 I shelled out for a Varsity soccer uniform, bag, and warm ups and the $110 check we wrote so the kids could be in the Fall play. And we haven't even BEGUN to write the checks for lab fees, art fees, and others. That starts next week with the first day of school.
Yeah, I guess we could just keep them out of those classes and activities and avoid the cost - yeah, that's a good choice for us poor until-recently-middle-class families. We shouldn't expect that our kids will go to college anyway, right? We're the new face of poverty and need to lower our expectations while you rich fat cats just line each other's pockets and advance your own kids, right?
Back in 2005 a group of Northfield citizens begged you and your party to raise the public education budget by a mere 5%. Remember our rally, where hundreds turned out and signed letters asking for this increase? You probably don't, because you were too busy arranging the tax increase to fund the stadium for the billionaire Pohlad family. I'll remind you, you shot it down and now we have increased fees and up to 40 kids in some classes and struggling families going broke to send their kids to public schools.
Thanks a bunch you cretin.
PS - you suck.
Girls needed graphing calculators for Pre-Calc last year, I was so happy when Algebra 2 didn't use them, but then, hit x2 this year with them both taking it at the same time.......ugh ugh ugh.
Sports fees are almost non-existent, but we fund raise in other way, like for soccer parents worked the races in Daytona. We have art costs, but no lab fees for science.
I have to write club dues next week for Anchor club and NHS, and the girls want to join the Art HS and Cait the Spanish Honor Society, she wants more cords at graduation, and guess what I'll get to pay for each of those too!!!
I am furious over his comments on the president's talk to students- asking if Obama is trying to get a mailing list by asking kids to write to the president- Where is the respect for the office of the U.S. President? I really hate Pawlenty--words just can't express how mad I am right now.
Golly, I hope you really send this letter, to the Gov and to the news papers. We will end up having a two tiered "public" school system soon. If we don't already. My kids got the fancy smancy calculators from the school, but I'm not sure that is the greatest idea either, given the costs. How about a deposit fee or something? But then one of them got the fancy calculator for something else, so now it is in my desk drawer and I can't even figure out how to do simple math on it. How was it I did all that higher math without even owning a calculator?
OMG, this is sooooooo depressing and frightening. I think this letter needs to be printed somewhere.
You should send this to him, and every other legislator!
You mean that Polhad family wealth hasn't trickled down on you peons yet?
Well, I like Al Franken and Sen. Kobuchar (sp) but Pawlenty and Bachmann have to go. that will be 2 presidential candidates out of the way - unless Bachmann bleeds to death from all the blood brothers she has contracted.
I have some big issues with teachers unions and how they affect budgets in schools. But that is not my point here.
I have zero tolerance at all for corporate welfare. Especially spending one dime of taxpayer money on sports stadiums or related projects.
My daughter is in show choir and that alone costs me $350. My kids don't have to pay for sports, but everything else they do makes up for it.
The Polhads! Ha! I am paying extra taxes in my county to build their privately owned baseball team a new stadium!
And that T-Paw, I cannot even bear to think of him, I despise him and fear he will charm unknowing Americans who are willing to accept sub-par life for no new taxes.
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