Tomorrow I start my new job in the Public Schools: 30 hours a week plus some evenings. I'm also looking for a little part time job that can grow for summer hours.
It looks like we've been able to short-sell our home, which will greatly help our credit rating in the long run. But it means we're now scrambling to find housing. Our city government has the most ridiculous, restrictive rental policy for landlords. Just last week the local paper reported that 26 homes were turned down for rental licenses. Which means 26 families like mine can't rent those homes. So finding a rental isn't easy. And the short-sale situation will leave us unable to get a mortgage for at least 1-2 years.
I'm sick in my heart about leaving this home. I'll post on that later.
In the meantime we're packing. LORD HAVE MERCY I hate moving!
So here's my mantra:
Change is GOOD!
Good things are coming our way.
When a door closes, a window opens.
Good luck dear! I will be back to read more when you get a chance to post.
"Huzzah!" on the short-sale front, "Boo!" on the rental one. Do you want me to get in touch with more people around here?
Christopher - sure!!
You are such a dear. I love how you force yourself to focus on those positive mantras. I hate moving too, so I truly feel your pain. But this is the path to a new home for you. I can't believe how hard it is to rent houses in this town! CRAZY. We are praying for and thinking about you.
Good luck with the move & the new job. I'll be thinking about you!
good luck with all facing you. With all the good things that have happened in your life recently - the turnaraound has begun I believe. We will be here waiting for you!! :)
I send you my every good thought, wish and prayer!! I am glad for the sale but worried for where you will end up.
Your boundless energy and positive outlook leave me, as ever awestruck.
What a privilege it is to know you and I look so forward to the day when we can truly meet. You are a treasure, truly a treasure.
My heart is heavy for you...I am going to pray for you tonight...and tomorrow...and....
Your job sounds interesting...
Hang in there hun!
Good luck! I hope everything works out better than any of us can imagine.
Any chance you can rent from who ever is buying the house? I suppose the restrictive rental property rules have to do with all the students in town and not "slumming up" the neighborhoods. There are similar restrictions in Duluth, but they are starting to be put in place after almost-whole neighborhoods became rental property. I guess that is understandable from the standpoint of the other owners.
I hope it all works out really good for you.
Sorry you have to move - moving is a pain. I hope things pickup on the housing front soon because it sounds like the job will be great.
I am so sorry that you have to move, I am glad you were able to short sale, and I wish something around your place would start to make sense!
I am so excited about your job! I hope it works out well!
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