Sunday, February 10, 2008

Frozen again

It's cold again. Current temp is 8 below. That's without the windchill. Why do we live here?????


vbmomster said...

We live here because its all we know! Most of us who are still here, are here because we have never lived anywhere else! I lived a short time in a warm climate as a teenager when my parents had a mid life crisis. We returned to the cold, because we did not like:
1. bugs the size of california
2. bugs year around.
3. spiders that could kill you.
4. transient people that come and go

Here's to making new friends at sporting events for your kids....

Mnmom said...

Welcome! Wow, you're quick! See you at the next warehouse event.

Christopher Tassava said...

On the other hand, I live here because I love everything about Minnesota. Now, granted, I didn't actually leave my house on Sunday (during the coldest of this cold snap), but honestly, I like everything about our four seasons, and winter is by far my favorite. I can't wait until it's a bit warmer later today and we can go outside without risking injury.

michaelg said...

I totally get why old people go south for the winter. It isn't about preference, it is about requirment.

Mnmom said...

I don't mind winter at all, but THIS is getting old

Cheesecake Maven said...

I agree with Christopher here. It has been my mission the last month to contact Iowa news channels and give the weathermen/women pep talks about the joys of winter and to talk about it a more positive way. There's so much to enjoy about winter, but they always report about an approaching snow storm as a bad thing, when my family is all waxing up our equipment and heading outside to celebrate the arrival of a "good one"!