Thursday, December 3, 2009

Waging Peace on Earth

What if, at this reflective time of year, we considered waging peace instead of war?

How about, instead of military troops, we spent billions on engineers, builders, teachers, interpreters, agronomists, doctors, nurses, farmers, etc. And they were to travel to all parts of Afghanistan and the Middle East building schools, clinics, mosques, water and sewer systems, and basically bringing hope, health, and self-sufficient means for the Afghans and other "terrorist" cultures to grow food, treat illness and injury, educate their children, and maintain their traditions?

What if we gave the world of ourselves? What if we fought to build lives instead of ending them? What if we gave young Muslims hope and a reason to stay in their villages making life better instead of turning to the likes of Al Qaeda? How about Americans did this without any mention of the Christian religion or our "civilized" ways?

Why can't we wage peace?


Life As I Know It Now said...

Yes, we ought to give peace a chance. Hope rather than hell.

LoieJ said...

Hear, hear

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Why do you hate America?

Kim Hambric said...

There's an article in today's paper about a poll showing that American should mind its own business internationally. 49% of those polled (no one polled me, by the way) want to "leave it to other countries to fend for themselves".

Personally, I'm all for waging peace on earth.

Lemmy Caution said...

Waging Peace sounds like a darn fine idea! Nice post!

MommyLisa said...

Let's wage some peace, yeah!

BTW MnMom, thanks...I think the one mom is annoyed I don't want Boo Boo to go on the field trip, but she is the mom who skips everything else at pre-K so I don't care. *sticking tongue out at that mom from DT St. Paul*

Have a good weekend and stay warm.

Churlita said...

That's so great. How do we make that happen? I'm in.

SkylersDad said...

I love the idea, but I fear that we will never achieve peace.

michaelg said...

Does this mean we have to take the high road AGAIN??

Coaster Punchman said...

Ok, so I'll quote one of my favorite lines from "Heathers": "You call me when the shuttle lands."

;) I'm not really that cynical - I just feel pretty when I act like I am.

The Haiti Peace & Justice Delegation 09 said...

great idea