I say it's CAR-mul, with a barely audible short "a" sound in the middle. Like it's meant to be. The way most honest and wonderful people say it. The pronunciation that reflects the buttery goodness of it. That conjurs images of homemade waxed-paper bundles that create feelings of safety and world harmony.
Some very weird people and advertisers say CARE-a-mel, which is just so wrong on so many levels that I stress out just thinking about it. Which makes it sound like something concocted in the back room of a local Wal-Mart, for mass distribution to area Kwik Trips.
Which one are YOU?
I'm with you on this one.
Car-mul all the way.... I never even knew the two were the same thing until much later in my life! lol
I thought they were different textures, but I always at carmels.
And I eat sher-bert even though it is spelled sherbet. The 2nd 'r' is invisible.
Of the three pronunciations in the officials Webster's dictionary, NONE of them shows a long 'a' in the first syllable. I'm with you on this one all the way. So funny you blogged about this, I was in Iowa City this past weekend and attended the Farmer's Market and a vendor was selling these little bites of bliss. Yes, I bought one. No, it was not nearly as good as my own! I promise I will make them this December and send y'all a batch! Love you!
I only say "CARE-a-mel" if I'm trying to be annoying.
I'm with you, and we are definitely right. Enough said. Related: my husband says "rune" for "ruin" and now he has my older daughter saying it that way. Are they INSANE?!
Like Some Guy - I only say CARE-a-Mel when trying to annoy someone. ;)
There is a town in Indiana and they call it CAR-ml, barely audible e.
;) I used to live there and that was fun!
Car-mul, of course. Even thinking of people saying it the other way makes me shudder.
You are correct my dear.
Car-mul. It's all I've ever called it.
.. and I'm not about to start changing now..
I will also agree! and was this induced by that godawful Werther's Candy commercial?
Car-mull. The other one has always bugged the crap out of me. Other ones that bug me:
Rod-chester instead of Rotch-ester
Wood-berry instead of Wood-burry
It's actually pronounced "caw-wwuh," since you should properly say it with a mouthful of car-mul.
I do pronounce "ruin" like "rune," but that's okay. Dialects are important.
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