Welcome back to our next installment of IDIOT or STRESS?
Through all this new job-moving-house sale-recession business, I've been neglecting my supper duties. Actually I've been neglecting all the cozy-Mommy duties.
So today I get up early, throw in some laundry, pack a bag supper for Twin #1, and put a chicken dinner in the crock pot. Then I head out for a full 7-hour work day.
After work, I pick up kids, and go to the grocery store.
Then we head home for our dinner.
Only to find I never plugged in the crock pot.
You tell me. IDIOT or STRESS?
too too much on your mind! You poor thing! I hope you managed to find something for dinner...and you've got dinner ready for tomorrow...right?
ARGH!!!! Unbelievable. Stress. Definitely. Uh....I don't think you should actually still eat the chicken dinner tomorrow night, if it's been out on the counter all day long (Beth's comment above). I hope you said "This day can bite me!" and then called the pizza delivery guy.
Definitely stress! Hope tomorrow is better :)
EASY! Idiot! PSYCH! Stresssssssss. Oh Margaret! This is why I eat PBJ for dinner so many nights.
Stress. I've done stuff just like that recently.
I have done the same thing! It was probably 10 years ago and I can reassure you that this is something you only do ONCE!
You poor thing! Heck yes you have too much stress!!!! I've done this too............and thrown it all out and cursed again and again!!!
I'm sorry I've been so absent, life is just crazed lately!
Stress and too much multi-tasking. When my girls give me a hard time for doing things like that, I always remind them how many other things I'm trying to do at the same time. There's no way we can remember every little thing.
I vote stress, because the alternative for me is old age. And I am not going there!
Oh my. That definitely falls under multi-tasking burnout. Like leaving your wallet on top of your car at the gas station.
Idiot??? No way! Classic example of stress.
Just the other day I had alot on my mind. I'm getting my coffee at the local convenience store. I peel the lid off of the top of the creamer container, and instead of pouring it into my coffee, I poured it into the basket of creamers...
Hey like i said i had alot on my mind.......
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