And a lovely time was had by all at my brother's manse on the hill. He has the most incredible view of the Decorah valley right out his living room windows. Above is a shot of the ubiquitous KIDS TABLE where we put 10 of the 14 kids in attendance. The other 4 had graduated to the adult table. They were thrilled until they learned that sitting at the adult table includes kitchen clean up duty. With much freedom comes much responsibility kids! Now get to work because those dishes aren't going to wash themselves.

Another group shot of the kids. Two of mine are 2nd from left and 2nd from the right.
We had a Thanksgiving adventure involving that sectional couch - stay with me, it's long but funny. The night before some friends and their extended family were up for drinks and snacks. We had a great time, and talked about getting together again on Thanksgiving Day. During our Tgiving meal, we thought it would be hilarious to walk down to their house, dessert in hand, and station groups of us at each 1st floor window and all peer in at exactly the same moment. While talking I looked up in time to see 4 of THEIR kids walk past the front door. So of course in our hysteria we decided THEY were plotting the same thing WE had just discussed, so I yelled "HIDE!" and we all dove over that sectional and hid from view. Of course, it wasn't them, just a few of their kids heading to another neighbors house. But we've decided that from now on, our Thanksgiving tradition will involved some adult yelling "Hide! It's Them!", then we must immediately seek cover.

My brother frying the turkey. That is a fake fur Iowa Hawkeyes football helmet-shaped thing on his head. He has owned and proudly worn that thing since 1980. If that hat could talk, you would tell it to shut up because there are kids listening.
Doesn't he remind you of Clark Griswold's cousin, played by Randy Quaid? Funny coincidence, for many years, they owned a historic house in Decorah known as the Griswold House. It used to belong to Luther College. How appropriate. Last I checked my brother doesn't own any white dress shoes.

The founders of the feast: all the women. From the left: ME, doing my best Jabba the Hut impression,
sister Valley Vortex, Cousin Vet Tech,
sister Cheesecake Maven, and SIL Southern Belle.
We don't have any lovely photos of the food because we are pigs and dig right in. The menu included: deep fat fried turkey, marinated roasted turkey breast, fried potatoes, cornbread stuffing, scalloped oysters, squash, tossed salad with smoked almond tapenade, crudites, dips, sweet corn salsa, 3 different cranberry compotes, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, chocolate pecan pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and gingerbread cookies.
We DID end up walking the pies down to the friends' house where we caroled on their porch until someone noticed. With a combination of our five families, and their three families, we played "Mafia". Great game for a group of all ages and all you need is a deck of cards - if you want instructions let me know.
Another wonderful Holiday with family. Life is Good. Money stinks, but life is good anyway.