You see, I'm blind as a bat and hate getting out of bed, so I don't really notice the time - I just give the thing another wallop and hit the pillow.
And why do I find the most comfortable sleeping position in the entire history of mattresses just after the first snooze slam? Why couldn't I be that comfortable at 11pm the night before?
I have the solution:
I shop out of the Think Geek catalogue often and theson and I were talking about getting his girlfriend (at the time) this last year. I'm sure you would LOVE it. heehee
I hate hate hate getting up... I have to be to work by 7 luckily I live 1.4 miles away...
I love thinkgeek. I hate winter mornings when the floor is cold and it might as well be the middle of the flippin' night.
Can we invent an alarm clock that wakes up carrying coffee and singing showtunes?
Wow. I sure hope that is not your real alarm clock. If it is, it is probably worth more on eBay than it is for waking you up..!!
Me, I like the 'waking up in the middle of the night and realizing I get to go back to sleep' thing. Mmmmmm, pull those covers up to my hairy chin...
When I hit the snooze, it's always with the excuse that I'm waiting for the furnace to kick in. Now I just need to come up with an excuse for the summer. ;)
Oh man, I have 2-4 alarm clocks at all times and my Mom calls and my husband is there to harass me out of bed as sweet as he can.
I this blog called yanko design, where they showcase concept products (not always available to buy), they had this alarm clock system that was a ring you wore on your finger. You had to shake your hand to stop the alarm and then get up to turn off the system. If you had not gotten up in a few minutes the alram would go off again and it would require increasingly more vigorous shaking of your hand to make it go into snooze.
Now THAT is what I need! I wish they would actually make it and sell it! I would by 2-4!
Me too, my poor daughter has gotten two tardies because I can't get up in time.
I need a better alarm clock
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