I'm involved in the
best-ever Secret Santa exchange, meaning everything is virtual and I don't have to actually buy them a thing! So I went on a virtual shopping spree for:
Bad Tempered Zombie!This is not a blog I read, but i may start visiting more often. I think I have a twin in Calgary Canada. I love her line that it was survival growing up in Winnipeg where the weather is trying to kill you 7 months of the year. Kind of sounds like Minnesota!
Anyhoo, here's what I'm getting Bad Tempered Zombie for her Secret Santa gift:

First up we have your own homemade snow plow!! Perfect for the those winter mornings when you simply MUST get the kiddies to school, even if school's been cancelled!

Next up, we have a lovely set of silk long johns. If you've ever lived up north, well, you never LIVED up north until you have a set.

Bad Tempered Zombie, you'll be the envy of the neighborhood with your own JUMP STARTER! While they wait for their cousin Stan or AAA to juice up their dead cold car battery, you'll be half way to the coffee shop. And speaking of coffee . . . .

You've also won a restaurant-quality espresso machine! With cup warmer on top!

And for those cold winter nights with hot reads, you'll be receiving this contraption for reading in bed, just as soon as I find out who the hell sells it. As well as the bolster pictured below, which a stoned college friend starting calling a "double comfort" for unknown reasons, but the name stuck. So Merry Christmas Bad Tempered Zombie! Hope you like your gifts!

Nice gifts. I thought it was especially gracious of you to attach a proud American flag to the plow-mobile, so that she'll always think of her gun-happy neighbors to the south whenever she plows snow.
I procrastinated too long and didn't get "in the game." But I'm enjoying everyone's shopping sprees.
Are you seriously in NY for christams????? :O
Thanks for the amazing gifts! I love them all, but particularly the double comfort. I mean, who doesn't need a little bolster now and then? Especially after a day spent barreling around the neighbourhood in my snow plow, offering fresh coffees and jump starts to everybody.
You rock, thanks!
Miss Alex - I am!
Oh, by the way You've been tagged
Nice gifts.
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