Lord have mercy it's dark up here!
No wonder all the Scandinavians get depressed. And no wonder they all settled here where it's just as dark in midwinter.
Think I'll have a shot of Aquavit and go to bed to read Giants in the Earth.
Maybe that will cheer me up.
More on Aquavit.
Hey wait! Giants in the Earth (or Ants in the Ear, as the kid who sat next to me in 10th grade called it) is one of my favorite books.
Depressing as hell, but still a favorite. I sheepishly admit to having read it numerous times, most recently in about 2002.
And BTW, in 10th grade that Aquavit goes a long way in keeping one interested in a book like that.
Aquavit was like candy at Christmas when I lived in Norway. hmmmm, good times.
I heard someone say "uff-da!" the other day while I was walking to the bus.
Soon it will be xmas eve and I will hear some new old Ole and Lena jokes.
did you know that in Norway they eat goat brains at Christmas? I saw it on Globe Trekker!
I might have to try this Aquavit...sounds good. I'm settling for hot coffee at the moment. I would avoid the goat brains at all costs though.
Lord have mercy it's dark up here!
Ha..!! Lets make bumper stickers..!!
I actually enjoy the cozy, dark days of winter. What I hate is the 18 hrs of daylight in the summer! I'm a weirdo that way. ;)
I rather like the long dark days, especially when what little sun we get shines on ample snow.
When our Nordic forebears reached the Midwest, they must have thought they were in freaking tropics: all of the Scandinavian countries are much further north than we are, and get much less winter light: Helsinski apparently gets about 20 hours of darkness each day this month... Count your blessings - if you can see them.
@ C_T: Count your blessings - if you can see them.
...smalllol... Clever wordplay deserves recognition ...that was good.
In the bleak midwinter
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