Somebody is having a Merry Christmas!
And a Happy New Year!
The 116 banks that so far have received taxpayer dollars to boost them through the economic crisis gave their top tier of executives nearly $1.6 billion in salaries, bonuses and other benefits in 2007, an Associated Press analysis found.
That amount, spread among the 600 highest paid bank executives, would cover the bailout money given to 53 of the banks that have shared the $188 billion that Washington has doled out in rescue packages so far.
And a little bitching about the car industry bailout. Yes, all those jobs are mighty important. But isn't my husband's job equally important? Don't we have to eat? Were is the bailout for the construction industry? Or small business owners? Or restaurant owners? Or airline employees? Or Best Buy employees? Or 3M employees? What about us?
I think the eyes closed picture says it all. Out of sight, out of mind. Terrible.
I do not even understand these bailouts. I never will. These ame people also do not want to pay taxes, but I guess they are glad to take the tax money when their stocks are down a couple million.
NO KIDDING - I was losing my job and had to take a job with a 25k annual paycut, because I wanted to HAVE a job. I would have been better off on unemployment practically.
The economy sux, the government sux, rich people with no heart sux...
I am turning up the volume on my Christmas music and not watching the news for at least 4 days. *wink*
I swear, I have no words left for the utter arrogance of the Wall Streeters. They have so much and think they deserve so much more.
Jail. That's what they deserve. Impoverishment. Pain. Shame.
Okay - I guess I did find some words.
Not only that but the auto bailout is really a loan that they will pay back, like they did last time. Don't hold your breath if you think those Wall Street bankers will ever pay us back.
I hear ya!
6 years ago, when the business where my husband worked closed, several people actually had the nerve to ask me if my husband was enjoying his VACATION! Oh yeah, we were having a ball living on half of our former income! :(
If I were to start ranting about this fiasco, I would stroke out for sure. I believe the first priority was to STOP all foreclosures - allow payments of any kind on the mortgages without going into default, until these mortgages could be restructured. Has anyone noticed that nothing has been done in that area? WTF are they waiting for? The government has never had a sense of priorities - it's always been "their pockets first." Bah-Humbug!
I heard an NPR program this morning about the fact that the banks are not talking about where they have spent their bailout money. Why? They don't have to. It wasn't part of the terms of the deal to have to be accountable. I nearly fell out of the car when I heard that.
The theory , of course, is that if you help banks you help the entire economy because it is their loans that keep it running.
Hey! That's the theory.
Doesn't help us much if we can't qualify for a loan though, does it?
But we still have each other, right?
Now, who wants some stone soup?
Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas now, in case I don't get back here later. I know it will be a tough one, but you have the love of your family and hopefully your health. 2009 will be better for all - I am making this prediction now.
Somebody is having a Merry Christmas!
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