What if we gave Texas, or maybe all of Georgia and Alabama to all the bigots, oh I mean teabaggers? Then they could secede, and have a marvelous little tea party all by their white selves and leave the rest of us alone. Of course, we'd have to give up Austin, or Savannah but I call that a small sacrifice.
Works for me. My mom always said we should've let the South secede in the first place...
Of course there are many good people who somehow ended up in the South. Hopefully they could escape and join the rest of us!
No. That's exactly what they want. I'm not letting them have my country. Even the bigoted shitty parts of it.
Dr. Monkey is right.
Plus then we would lose important people like Lisa Golden and Karen Zipdrive. I can't stand by idly and watch that happen!
They can stay as long as they submit to required sterilization...
For a couple of years now, I've been talking of a place called Texahoma. It is what is sounds like -- a country made up of Texas and Oklahoma. And yes, the teabaggers can live there. We'd have to put a tall fence around it. We could ship all the beady-eyed, gun-toting, Rush-listening fools down there. It would be upsetting to "give in" like that, but I'm quite tired of dealing with such folks. Palin could be president. But then, when the morons run out of oil, they'd just invade the other 48 states with their massive stockpile of weapons (meanwhile accusing the other 48 of having weapons of mass destruction).
Wouldn't work. They wouldn't like the name Texahoma. Sounds too much like 'homo'.
The bigots are just embarrassing. They're like our white trash cousins who no one ever wants to invite to anything.
Too bad I couldn't get to the Barbie Bigot Rally in Mpls today to smack some sense into people.
Maybe we can choose another place, like North Dakota...........I have family in Texas.
BTW, there is a lake Texoma.......right where you'd expect it.........fun place.
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