In this area of my life, I am one lucky woman. Each of my siblings would give me the shirt off their back. Each of them would drive to my side in the dark of night if I asked them.
Like the photo above, we spend a lot of time around someone's kitchen table. But the chocolate milk has been replaced with coffee or wine. Grey hair has replaced dark. And there are a lot more people joining us now. But we have the same joy as those kids.
I love the relationship the 4 of you have built. My husband only has his 5 brothers, but sadly they have not been able to keep close.......I feel so bad for him.
That's so sweet! I am envious.
Best photo I've seen in many a day. Thanks for posting it.
You do have an amazing clan that is also raising amazing young people.
I have two brothers, but I wouldn't mind having only one, if you know what I mean.
I love the side-by-side refrigerator/freezer monsters in the background and I can SMELL that kitchen. We do look so content sipping our chocolate milk-but it was such a treat to even have it!
Without family you have nothing
That is cute as anything! :) I only have the one brother...but I love him anyway.
Great picture! And... true confession time...
I still drink chocolate quick.
I love that photo. My siblings and i were all orphans when we were kids, so we're pretty close as adults...We definitely drive each other crazy though. Usually, a weekend together is perfect. Much more than that can create drama.
Just goes to show that doing normal things together can build relationships, not just doing "special things."
At least those are real straws! Remember when we would pluck the plastic tubing out of mom's kitchen blinds and use them as straws, and how shaggy the blinds became after a few weeks of doing that?
Good memories!
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