Don't forget to visit my alternate blog The Endurance Diva! And email me your stories, ideas, and suggestions for surviving this financial chaos or any other crisis you've endured, at endurancediva@yahoo.com.
Humor is always the best medicine. Lisa reminded me of Young Ones this week, and when I went to youtube to see more, this perfect antidote popped right up. My dearest friend Bethany and I had a regular date in front of our TV in our groovy college apartment every Sunday night to watch Young Ones. Good times. Little did I know that almost 25 years later I'd be as poor as Neil, Rick, Vyvyan, and Mike.
Our friend Missy doesn't like this commercial but I love it. Perfect mockery of those stupid big wheel and tractor shows at the MetroDome.
From our local news station:
EULESS, Texas -- Officials cleared out a Dallas-area elementary school briefly Thursday morning after a second-grade student brought a deactivated hand grenade for show and tell.
Police say the student walked into his classroom with the grenade at Oakwood Terrace Elementary School. The teacher took it, placed it on a desk and notified the principal.
The school was evacuated until police arrived and inspected the object. Although the grenade still had a pin, it had a hole at the bottom and was empty -- the sort of thing that might be used as a paperweight.
No injuries were reported. Students returned to their classrooms after 15 minutes, and the unidentified student was getting a good talking to from police.
Guess I'll have to go to youngest's backpack and take out those six shooters, the fillet knife, and the bong. It was going to be a rockin' show and tell!