I was reading some comments at DCup this morning, and read the quote below by Fran, and I thought it would make a good post. Let me hear YOUR best analogies regarding this financial mess on Wall Street, the bailout, and the blame game.
"It is all everyone else's fault. This is like being in therapy with someone with borderline personality disorder, only its the entire country that has it." . . . FranIam
"Like having to decide whether to let your house burn, or pay the Three Stooges $700 billion to try to put it out" . . . ME
See a great description of the bailout HERE.
OK, let's hear yours!!
I like yours. I think I'll stick with that.
Uh....like living in HELL???
It's like celebrating Rome burning with Molotov cocktails!:)
This situation is like having a rich guy run you down with his Beemer, then bill you for the dent your head made on his hood.
Like Nero fiddling while Rome burned!!!!
This is what is driving me insaner about the financial crisis we may or may not be in the middle of. Every news account I listen to purports to be about to explain it, but then they spend the segment detailing some complicated simile, analogy, or metaphor that has no explanatory power what-so-ever! For christ's sake! EXPLAIN THE PROBLEM IN REAL TERMS!!!!! Believe me. I know shit from shinola and all I have been getting from the media (NPR, I'm looking at you) about this is shit.
It's like bailing your cousin out of jail for driving drunk for the fifth time. Let him serve his time, otherwise, he'll never learn his lesson. And if we don't learn from our mistakes, we're doomed to repeat them. Let Wall Street and the banking industry sit there, learn their lesson and figure out a way to bail themselves out.
Thanks for the link love - now where are my meds for the borderline personality disorder???
Analogy is a term that means word relationships. Analogies are like a word puzzle. Solving analogies helps us to develop critical thinking skills.Analogy is both the cognitive process of transferring information from a particular subject .A few have said that these analogies were actually taken from other sources and were not written by high school kids at all.
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