This flood is devastating my dear Iowa. Above is a photo from Yahoo.com of my Uncle Sam (really!) trying to save his businesses in a warehouse near the Mississippi River. For his mother's funeral on Saturday, he'll probably have to drive hundreds of miles out of his way to circumvent the flooded bridges and roads and safely reach northern Iowa.

This scene is in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Did you know that two feet of flood waters can lift a car and carry it away?? Imagine what it takes to lift a two story house.

Also Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I lived here for a few years after college. This level of flooding in that city is unimaginable. The folks of Cedar Rapids are mostly blue collar, and I'm sure none of these homeowners carried flood insurance. Cedar Rapids struggles financially, and I don't know how they are going to recover.
Oh MC Hammer, this is so devastating. This reminds me of what happened to my relatives in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. Let me just tell you something, whether they have flood coverage or not, the insurance companies are not going to be fair. They'll drop everyone before they pay anyone. I have relatives who were homeless until two weeks ago since Katrina, and that's been what three, four years? And my grandmother, whose house was swept away after Hurricane Rita is still homeless. So I feel your pain, and I'm praying for your family
I'm afraid you are right, Sheletta. My heart just breaks for these people. No one imagined the river would flood to this level. These are dirt poor neighborhoods and they'll never get back on their feet.
cyber-hugs and real prayers going out to your dear state of Iowa. (I have relatives in Waukon.)
God. That second picture makes me want to cry, and the third picture isn't any better. I would say that I hope the federal government will step in to help get the many need Iowans back on their feet, but Katrina and Rita don't raise my confidence. I hope everyone you know can figure out a way to recover.
I had seen that photo of the houses all lined up--maybe in the paper?-- and it is SO shocking. It's hard to believe, even. Terrible. This tragedy makes me grateful for all my minor "problems."
This is so tragic - I am at a loss for words. I can't imagine and my heart goes out to all who have had to suffer and endure this.
And the thought of your uncle... his business... the funeral.
My heart and prayers to all, for all.
Fear not! Iowans are a resilient people and they'll work there collective butts off - TOGETHER - and get the job done. We were all out sandbagging for hours on end in our small town last week when it hit here, over 400 volunteers in just ONE of the sandbagging locations! It was amazing. Now, the clean up has begun and the town smells of dead dry fish, but hey, clean up is happening and life is going on! It will in all those other affected cities too. Not quickly, but Iowa will recover, through a lot of sweat and tears and yes, laughter too.
My God... My bride's family is in Cedar Rapids, Dubuque and Des Moines. So far only one of them has had to evacuate, and her home didn't flood thankfully. My mother in law was home from work because the school flooded.
Horrible. Horrible.
The good thing, though, is that they seem to have a good sense of community and are already working to get through all this. At least that's what they're telling me.
I am sorry about what they're experiencing. I can't imagine being in a situation with small kids and having to live like that.
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