Let me go on record, right here, right now. I totally support the rights of our fellow GLBT Americans to fully enjoy all the rights and responsibilities of legal marriage. As a heterosexual woman married to the same wonderful man for over 17 years, let me state that my marriage is not adversely affected in the slightest bit by gay couples. If anything, it upholds the idea of commitment, family, and loads of other "traditional family values". I'm just sick to death of this argument. Against gay marriage? Well enough, get over it already. Put on your big kid panties and deal with it. Go feed some hungry children or sling hash at a homeless shelter. Put your whiny energy to use somewhere.
Here, here!!
Oh, I feel stupid. I meant, "Hear! Hear!" I was in a hurry and wasn't thinking. But, I could not agree more with this entry. There are some real, very important national and international issues we need to be discussing (the war, the economy, the environment.)
hooray for you! i have male friends who are married to each other, and female friends who are married to each other, and i am thrilled for all of them.
and their happiness has not hurt my marriage one whit.
Here Hear!
But... but... if the gays get married, the terrorists win!!
I love gay marriage. If I was gay, I'd get married.
Amen, again. This may be my all-time favorite blog post. You said it!
I'm so glad you came on record and supported our GLBT sisters and brothers. 'Cause if they want to get married and be miserable for the rest of their lives like the rest of us living in bondage (married folks), we welcome all comers. Misery loves company!
You go girl. I happen to be the biggest fag-hags there is. I don't think fag-hag is a mean thing to say, considering I call myself one. Right? I hope that word doesn't offend people. I'm always worried about offending people.
AMEN sister!
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