Ok, NOW you can light the Holiday lights!
How was your turkey? Ours was fried and crispy, and I ate enough spinach balls to rival Popeye. Seriously, could I possibly eat any more and get any fatter? I wore Spanx on T-day and was so ungodly uncomfortable. First chance I got I whipped that thing off and IT swore.
I've taken to wearing far too many elastic waistbands and pretending I just don't WANT to wear my jeans, when in reality I don't want to get out the pliers, the Crisco, and the vacuum to get into them. I believe a bit more walking is in order. And all that holiday food on the way!
Hope your Iowa Thanksgiving was fabulous!
OMG, I LOVE your cartoon in your sidebar about "my psychiatrist recommended I not see you over the holidays, have fun without me." LOVE IT. I might steal it from you.
I keep thinking that perhaps if I lost my last remaining 5 lbs. of baby weight right now, I'd be distracted from all the things that keep me awake at night. You know, I'd be too busy thinking about dieting and feeling happy about losing those pounds to be bothered by things like my toddler's extreme separation anxiety, our sad finances, problems w/ my aging parents, etc. Then I think, Maybe I just need to drink apple cider and eat Christmas cookies with Margaret while listening to cheery holiday music instead. ;)
I am expanding as we speak!
Had a good thanksgiving. made a boiled ham dinner, since there was only 3 of us a huge turkey seemed a bit much.
Happy holidays!
I am amazed that I had only one plate of food on Thursday. Ok, so it was a plate big enough to choke a trucker, but still.
Hey, it's cold where you live. You're just working on your Winter pelt. It's practical.
Happy Holidays lady! Our final round of Thanksgiving comes tonight - YES, we extended through Monday. blah!
your spanx made me laugh! chortle even.
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