When your ten-year-old daughter and her friend ask if they can make brownies, and they PROMISE to clean up, say NO. Unless you want to hear the following:
3:10 pm - "MOM! Where's the big green mixing bowl?"
3:11 pm - "MOM! Where's the cocoa?"
"No, it's not there! We're out! You have to drive to the store and get some!"
"Oh, you mean in THAT cupboard. Why didn't you just say so?"
3:13pm - "MOM!!! How do we measure this oil?"
"We don't have that kind of measuring cup!"
"Oh, you mean THAT glass measuring cup that says PYREX in red letters."
3:14pm - "MOM! Can I use potholders to wipe up broken eggs from the floor?"
3:17pm - "MoooooMMM! I forgot to lock the mixer before I turned it on!"
3:19pm - "MOM!!!! Why is the batter so runny?"
3:20pm - "MOOOOOOMMMM! Will you come here and put them in the oven?
The oven is too hot!"
3:22pm - "MOM! How do we set the timer?"
3:23pm - "YES MOM! I said we'll clean and we will . . . . . . . . later"
4:20pm - "Yesssssssss, I cleaned up. I didn't spill all that flour, cocoa, and sugar on the counter"
4:21pm - "Well, you didn't tell me I had to wipe down the mixer too!!!!"
4:22pm - "Mom, we're going to go ride our bikes, can you listen for the buzzer?"
4:47pm - "Geez Mom, all you had to do was wash a few dishes and wipe down the mixer. Why are you so grumpy?"
It's no wonder some mammals eat their young.