Friday, October 3, 2008

Stupid is as Stupid does

Got this from friend CT. It's too good not to share. Please click through to the original post - he nailed it.


Billie Greenwood said...

How do people come up with such brilliance on such short notice?

Anonymous said...

Well, now we know what she was reading from.

D. Debil said...

"How do people come up with such brilliance on such short notice?"

It's always a matter of hindsight.

A million monkeys, a million typewriters, one screen gem.


tshsmom said...

The only thing missing from that flow chart is the "change the subject" option. I lost count of how many times Palin completely changed the subject during the debate.

Sheleta said...

How do you show up for a debate, agree to the terms and then just throw the baby out with the bath water? And yet, people think she won and feel like she "held her own". Bull$hit! That's like showing up for the SAT test and giving essay answers on a scantron test, then expecting partial credit for just "being present".