Know who'll be making a concession speech in the
wee hours of November 3rd? THAT ONE!
Also, did anyone else pick up on McCain telling a young black man in the audience that he probably didn't even know what Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae WERE until this week. How insulting!!!!
I find that watching MSNBC immediately after the debate helps me diffuse my reactions from seething anger to laughter. I also liked how he took a crack at Joe Biden by bringing up hairplugs. And when he told Tom Brokaw he wasn't in the running for Sec of the Treasury. As the Mighty Olbermann said, it was like Barack Obama wanted to be president and McCain just wanted us to get off his yard.
Totally. I love That One! He is the One!
Sigh. McCain is just....distressing.
He should retire to Ho Chi Minh city and help people who he tried to kill years ago. That would be fitting karma for all his bullshit.
Check out Huffington Post. The black gentleman that McCain "talked down to", his name was Oliver something...has been contacted by various news agencies, and he notated on Facebook - that he did feel insulted. This young man is currently working on his MBA in business. That, to me showed McCain's racist side.
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