Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it Monday? Or Wednesday?

A whirlwind day. We've been in a major snowstorm, and lost two school days to it. You wouldn't believe the size of my email inbox when I returned to work today. Like hacking through the jungle with a dull machete.

The home computer is on the fritz - for some bizarre reason we have lost all communication with Google. It just won't go there. I've done scans, I've uninstalled and reinstalled Mozilla, I've gone through Internet Explorer, but no luck. I can get there at work, but not at home. So I have no access to my email, my calendar, etc.

AND it says it's low on RAM. Got any good suggestions about buying RAM?

Watched bits and pieces of The Evil One's speech at the sore loser's, oh I mean tea bagger's convention. What a moron!! If I were a Republican I'd be totally ashamed that my party thought she should even be let near a microphone, let alone public office. She has to read things like "Lift America's Spirits" and "Energy" FROM HER HAND?????? I might understand a few figures or stats in there, maybe her pin number, but ENERGY? TAXES? LIFT AMERICA's SPIRITS? What an idiot. They are only smitten because she's pretty. If she looked like me, they'd have left her in Wasilla on the city council.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Stop attacking retards will ya.

Shannon said...

Oh God, I know. Sarah Palin is SHOCKING, just shocking in her idiocy. I just don't understand how any normal person, Democrat OR Republican, can respect her or take her seriously. Are we a nation of idiots? (Ugh--don't answer that.)

LoieJ said...

It makes one understand how/why people can follow demigods. Yikes. I saw a servey once about the type of people who are Republicans vs the type that are Democrats. Republicans tend to want to have a father figure. Democrats tend to think independently. Well, another way to put that COULD BE: following an ideology and being wishy washy about what one believes. So you can see how conservatives would look at liberals and say that they have no guiding principles.

Churlita said...

I know. She is so dumb and unqualified. I think Republicans wanted to find someone young and attractive like Obama, but Obama is also really intelligent. So, they failed.

Life As I Know It Now said...

So the Republicans want a sex symbol to lead our country, do they? She can be mommy but who do they want as daddy?

Anonymous said...

She got like, what, 10 grand for that Tea Party pole dance? It's all about the money.

Unknown said...

Copy and paste this, Steven Colbert agrees with you, and he is so f__ing funny!!!
The whole tea party thing is scary if you ask me!

LoieJ said...

No, it was stated on TV that she got $100,000 but that she said she was donating it back to the cause. She didn't say exactly how she was donating it back or to whom/what. And did you know that she purchased a whole lot of her own book to give to people who donated to her causes?

Scott J. said...

Margaret, I can try to help with your computer issue remotely. I'll try to contact you later tonight.

Shannon said...

Hey Margaret, just this afternoon my Google stopped working for me too. Seriously! It may be a Firefox issue though--not sure yet. Crazy.

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