Monday, May 31, 2010

Me? Letter??

No, I never lettered in softball or any sport for that matter.
I was built for comfort not for speed. And in those days you couldn't letter in music or drama.
I can swing a mighty bat, but I can't throw, field, or run to save my life.
If only they'd given out letters for having a great social life or squeezing out every single second of sleep before the bus came, or laughing until I spit out my Pepsi.


Kireliols said...

I lettered in band. I never liked marching band but my director and I had a long standing feud over it- it was only supposed to be mandatory sophomore year and he and I fought it the next two years--he won junior year but I stood firm senior year but he lettered me just the same. I think it was a "take that" kind of thing. I still have it somewhere- I declined to order the jacket.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I made the JV baseball team but I never got to play in a game because we lived too far out from town and my aunt would never allow anyone to take me to play in the games.

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SkylersDad said...

This was one of the benefits of attending my very small mountain town school. They just needed every willing body to play, so yippee for me lettering all over the place!

Churlita said...

I lettered in track and cross-country and speech team. i've never been good at team sports, where you actually have to pay attention.

MommyLisa said...

Okay - I was wrong. Do I still get a hug when we meet Saturday?

Sheleta said...

The only thing I could have lettered in was "skipping class"!