This weekend through Wednesday, we will be vacationing in scenic Northeast Iowa, and attending the world famous Nordic Fest! This is the wholesome family celebration in Decorah, Iowa not that frightening white power gathering. Enough said about that! And stop that ironic laughter.

I've attended every single Nordic - or as the locals refer to it "Nordic Mess" - since it's beginning in 1967. Granted, we lived there so it wasn't a huge effort. Our family has not one single drop of Norwegian blood in us, but you just learned to assimilate all that cream, butter, and Lutheran righteousness. We learned to make krumkake, sandbakkels, rommegrot, and kringle, wore bunads, and sang the Norwegian National Anthem (Ja Vi Elsker) just so they wouldn't rat us out to the Norwegian Mafia in town - La Cosa Uff Da.
Then again, the worst that group would do is give us a stern glance and a meaningful "well . . . . . I don't know . . . "
At Nordicle Festicles, you'll find all kinds of treats:

In our neck of the northwoods, people with fair skin and lots of moles were said to have "Lefse Legs".

This is Norwegian folk art known as Rosemaling. It's exceedingly intricate hand painting done by all the best white haired ladies in small Central Midwestern towns. You gotta watch those Norwegians though - they'll fricken rosemal anything not nailed down. Actually they rosemal things nailed down too. I'm surprised they haven't opened a rosemaling tatoo shop in Decorah (HEY! Maybe I'm on to something!).
If you get married in Decorah, get ready for lots of rosemaled wedding gifts. And don't go look at the rosemaling exhibits AFTER you've eaten all the treats uptown. You'll become dizzy and disoriented and end up hurling on Inge's or Tova's bunad, and then her husband Torvald or Einar will have to clean it up. They won't be happy about it but they won't say so. They'll just nod and say "Oh, that's OK, I don't mind". But they'll be seething with Scandinavian indignation.

So I hope to see you all there! I'll be in line at the Varme Polse booth or singing along with the Luren Singers or taking a break from all the Hoovian madness on my brother or sister's decks.
SKOL !!!!!
Ja vi elsker dette landet...som lei stig i fred.
Who is fred anyway?
Get a varme polsa for me and send some lefse. Snart!
Funny thing is that I have Norwegian and Swedish "blood" but didn't get a drop of the culture from my dad, so the only Scandinavian Culture I received was by osmosis from attending Luther College. I haven't gone to the Fest yet, but I was there one summer the week before the festivities. Maybe some day.
I think I'm going to have another heart attack just looking at all the delicious pictures.
Mindy and talked about going this year - damn! I loves me some rommegrot although this isn't really the season for it, is it? The real Norwegians eat it with a side of thick bacon, hmmmm.......
You white folks sure know how to party.
It sounds so great. I've never been to Decorah or to a Nordic Fest. My daughter was looking at going to school at Luther so that all might change...
As a nearly full-blooded Norwegian, can I just say, I am proud of you!
hmmm, my kind of people ;~))
The real Norwegians eat it with a side of thick bacon
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Rømmegrøt - I'm just spelling Rømmegrøt with those groovy Scandinavian slashes. A very tasty dish indeed and no one makes it better than those Norwegian-Lutherans from Decorah!
I have got to bookmark your blog. My family has gone to the Nordic Fest since I was a baby!! I remember my uncle once got to dance with the Nordic dancers. SO fun.
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