A woman here in Northfield was killed and her husband flown to the Twin Cities with head injuries after they were hit by a pickup while out for their morning walk today.
This intersection, and one just south of it, are the main route for kids traveling to our new Middle School and our High School. During the before and after hours of school, these intersections are a nightmare: traffic backed up for blocks, no stoplights, a 55 mph speed limit in front of the school, many kids on foot or bicycle, tons of buses, teen drivers, etc. It was only a matter of time before someone was killed. Citizens with an ounce of common sense have been begging the school board, the city, and the MN State DOT to do SOMETHING about these intersections. But as usual, we have to sacrifice a human life before any govt entity will recognize a bad plan or design. Someone has to die to get their attention. If I hear ANYONE say "well, who could have predicted this?" like they did for the bridge collapse I'm going to force them to stand, undefended, in the middle of all that traffic on a daily basis. THEN we'll beat them.
You are so right Minnesota sister. We had the same problem in Chaska when it was expanding with the new high school; as well as Eden Prairie. They put these schools on these two lane roads and expect it to be okay. Then, three years later they fix the problem after someone gets hurt. I'm sorry for the loss of people who I am sure were important to the community!
It is so frustrating when a problem is obvious to everyone but the people with the power and authority to do something about it.
Remember the intersection down here where it took about 5 deaths before a stop light was put in place?! And now there's a turn off a highway where the speed limit is 55 mph and there is NO TURNING LANE!!!!!! And NO ALTERNATE WAY TO GET TO THE MEDICAL CLINIC!!!! So, when you have to take your child in for a routine exam or sports physical, you must sit in the lane of on-coming 55 mph traffic with your turn signal on and just literally pray that those coming up behind you are paying attention. IT IS INSANE! And, it HAS been brought to the attention of the city, the state DOT, the business manager of the clinic, and on and on and on. There has been one death there so far, and the clinic has been there only one year. I'm sure we'll have to have a few more before anyone takes action. It drives us NUTS!!
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