So I finally got started on Canning Season 2011! After a trip to Costco I had a giant-sized flat of big juicy ripe strawberries. And as you canners and jammers know, with produce you have to get right to work.
So on probably the freaking hottest possible day of the year, Cupcake and I put up a batch of strawberry jam. We use the low-sugar recipe. Not really for health reasons, although less white sugar should be my goal if you know what I mean. But mostly because wonderful ripe summer fruit doesn't really need all that sugar.
So in my vintage apron we got to work. Cupcake mentioned that I looked just like some 1940's Mom jarring up the garden bounty. I mused that the big difference was I was cooking on electricity inside my air-conditioned home, not sweating over a cook stove in a 110+ degree kitchen. However, remember my musings on summer kitchens? I really want one now. It would be my escape. My house has what my sisters and I call a "one-butt-kitchen". Our unit of measure is our own hereditary ample rear ends. I actually have more like a "1/2 butt kitchen". So a project like canning takes good planning, iced tea, and cold air pouring out of the floor vents.
Now that I've proven my prowess with canning, I think I'm ready to buy a big 'ol pot that will hold lots of jars, not just 4-5 jam sizers.
Watch for later developments as I make raspberry jam, peach butter, salsa jam, and tomato sauce!
Also - the neighbors told me I can help myself to their apple tree in the Fall so Apple Butter coming our way!