Scenario: Husband and youngest are gone on a trip. I allow the teen twins to have 6 friends over, including 2 boys, to watch a movie. I lay out a really nice supper for them, clean up said supper, and drive them all to a teen dance after the movie.
Problem: during the evening, I was told by my own daughters to leave the room, not say anything, and to quit coming into the room. Not to mention that neither daughter thanked me.
I'm ready to pop a cork but want to think about this first. Ideas?
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Al Franken for Senate

Just for the record, I'm endorsing Al Franken for US Senate. This man is so smart it makes my head spin. And he really understands the hard issues facing Minnesotans like jobs, economic security, health care, education, etc. He's calling the current debate over the ad ridiculous and he's spot on. It's an absolute waste of our legislators' time to debate some group's exercise in free speech. Get over it. Take on some REAL work.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Things you do when you stay up too late:
Type comments on other people's blogs and put lists on mine.
Things I order on the internet:
All things LL Bean, Iowa Hawkeye merchandise, books, and once I got a great vintage ice bucket on ebay.
Parts of my house so dirty that I would swoon if you saw them:
The floor around and just under my frig.
The hairy bathroom floor.
The broom closet.
Type comments on other people's blogs and put lists on mine.
Things I order on the internet:
All things LL Bean, Iowa Hawkeye merchandise, books, and once I got a great vintage ice bucket on ebay.
Parts of my house so dirty that I would swoon if you saw them:
The floor around and just under my frig.
The hairy bathroom floor.
The broom closet.
The War on PBS
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Way to stick your neck out there, Norm.

A Senate committee chairwoman challenged the secretary of transportation's assurance Thursday that the country does not face a transportation safety crisis in the wake of last month's deadly collapse of an interstate bridge in Minneapolis.
"How can you say that everything is rosy when 13 people died?" Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat, asked Transportation Secretary Mary Peters. "I don't get it," Boxer said.
She reiterated her argument -- made at a House Transportation Committee hearing two weeks ago -- that the solution to fixing bridges is better spending priorities, not more money. Boxer said she doesn't support raising the gas tax, but she pressed Peters (Tran. Secretary) on how to come up with funding to fix the nation's bridges. She complained that the Bush administration is quick to spend money on Iraq, but when it comes to U.S. transportation and infrastructure, "we have to 'prioritize,' " Boxer said.
Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., said he and Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., have asked the congressional Government Accountability Office to do a review of the national bridge program. "We need to look at all options, but I think it is important that we start by analyzing the shortfalls of our current program," he said.
Monday, September 17, 2007

Things like college football don't fit my stereotype, but that's what makes life fun. I just LOVE college football! So do many of my friends. So years ago we decided to have a tailgater party for no particular college. We all just wear our collegiate sweatshirts, grill brats, make bloody marys, and watch football outside on a large bed sheet with a projection TV next to a roaring campfire. This year is no exception. The gathering is at my house. And the game du jour is IOWA vs WISCONSIN. Which happens to be the alma mater of our co-hosts. Should be a rousing night. Now if I could only get a hold of a marching band . . . . .
Sunday, September 16, 2007
More lists
Things that make me cry:
Sad children
Some books
Thing that make me laugh
Stuff my kids say
Making fun of Norwegian Lutherans
Monty Python
Sad children
Some books
Thing that make me laugh
Stuff my kids say
Making fun of Norwegian Lutherans
Monty Python
Saturday, September 15, 2007
OK Kirelimel, I'll list something
Politicians I'd like to slap:
W, of course
Dick Cheney
Trent Lott
Michelle Bachman - now wouldn't THAT be a great cat fight?!
Sounds that curl my toes
Kids slamming the front door
That way the kids say "MoooooOOOMM??!!"
People who smack their gum
W, of course
Dick Cheney
Trent Lott
Michelle Bachman - now wouldn't THAT be a great cat fight?!
Sounds that curl my toes
Kids slamming the front door
That way the kids say "MoooooOOOMM??!!"
People who smack their gum
Friday, September 14, 2007
Feeling the Loss
A few days ago, a dear friend posted about grieving his mother lo these many years later. I'm having such a moment right now. I'm thinking strongly of my parents who died within months of each other in 1999. Perhaps it's Fall coming on strong, or the smell of fresh coffee filling the morning. Whatever it is I want them back. I'm forgetting what it was like to have a Mom and Dad. My kids have almost no personal concept of grandparents. And lo these many years later, I still watch my driveway on Friday afternoons, looking for their LaSabre to pull up, and for their grandkid starved faces to climb out. I'd always have the coffee ready.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Too close to my life
I think someone from youtube is following me. I had my headlamp duct taped for several weeks recently.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
I have teenagers
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